Bulk Modulus

Predict Isothermal Bulk Modulus Values For Liquid Hydrocarbons With More Certainty

Bulk Modulus ThumbAll fluids are compressible under the application of pressure . The degree or extent of compressibility of a fluid is measured by its bulk modulus (reciprocal of the compressibility). The effect of fluid compressibility must be accounted for in those problems of fluid motion in which large changes in pressure occur.

A very practical application of the use of the bulk modulus is in the simulation (modeling) of waterhammer phenomena. Waterhammer may occur in a closed conduit or pipe line flowing full of liquid when there is either retardation or acceleration of the flow, such as with the closing or opening of a valve located somewhere in the line. The starting and stopping of a pump can cause a similar phenomenon.. These effects, due to waterhammer, may cause the pressure rating of the piping material to be exceeded.

In this paper an empirical correlation based on three-parameter corresponding states theory is presented for predicting liquid hydrocarbon isothermal bulk modulus values with a statistical trend of – 0.8 percent and an absolute average deviation of 7.6 percent.  In addition, a separate but specific correlation is presented for water based on two-parameter theory, and it produces an insignificant trend with an average absolute deviation of 2.7 percent.

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